Activities (9)
Pelatihan Alat Ukur dan Gambar Teknik tanggal 31 Juli 2024 sd 01 Agustus 2024 bersama YDBA
irvan sanjayaPenyerahan Sertifikat Penghargaan Kegiatan Donor darah PT Injeksi Plastik Pasifik
yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 12 Februari 2023
IPP bersama Politeknik STMI Jakarta,
Membangun Sinergi Pendidikan Dual System untuk Mewujudkan SDM Industri yang Kompeten dan Berdaya Saing Global.
In celebration of the joyful Eid Al-Fitr, PT. Injeksi Plastik Pasifik is giving some gift for all the employee.
In addition for the gratitude itself, the team also give the gift for some local citizen near the factory
The management and the whole team are celebrating the second anniversary of PT. Injeksi Plastik Pasifik
Celebrating it during the holy month of ramadhan, the team spend the time together to have the Iftar (break fasting) at Restoran Pedesaan, Cikarang.
By giving some doorprize to the best employee during that period, we hope that we could do much better in the future!.
See the pictures here!